Wednesday, September 26, 2018


In Te Ngahere we have been learning about how much time kids spend gaming online. In our class 91% of kids play online and 55% of kids lose track of time while playing. I enjoyed learning how many people play online and who doesn’t because it’s interesting for me.

Bees Wax Wraps

In Te Ngahere we have been learning about rubbish. We were able to make beeswax wraps (reusable wraps) to replace glad wrap . So what I did was I grabbed the fabric and some felt pens then I wrote my name on it and put some designs on it. I also wrote some of my friends names on the fabric. Then after that I dipped the fabric into the beeswax and I let the beeswax wrap dry out. I was really happy about it and can’t wait to use it.

Healthy And Unhealthy Drinks

In Te Ngahere we have been learning to drink and eat healthy things. Whaea Gina showed us how much sugar can be in a small Cola can. Whaea Gina placed three coloured papers on the floor and one of the papers was green (the green is to drink every day). She also placed an orange paper down (drink once a week), also red (drink once every month). She gave us a small cola can and said to place it on one of the papers we placed it on the red because, in a small coca cola can there is 10 teaspoons of sugar (that’s really bad). Then she gave us a milk carton, we placed it in green cause you should drink milk every day. After that she gave us a chocolate milk, then we put it into the orange. We put the chocolate milk into the orange because in the chocolate milk there is sugar which makes it a little unhealthy.

 ( This is really good to drink every day)

(this is okay to drink once a week)
(This one is really bad so you should drink these once a month)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Healthy And Unhealthy Takeaways

In Te Ngahere we have been learning about unhealthy and healthy takeaways with Whaea Gina.  
I learnt lots of things like how much fat can be in fish and chips and also how much fat is in Carl’s JR
takeaways. Did you know subway is the healthiest takeaway (but has to have vegetables in it not just meat).
I enjoyed learning about how much fat there is in most takeaways. Next time I think I will remember about
how most takeaways are unhealthy and I won’t get it.

Here A picture

Carl's JR is really bad out of MacDonald, Fish and Chips, and KFC.


In Te Ngahere we have been learning about how much time kids spend gaming online. In our class 91% of kids play online and 55% of kids lose...